MFC Grid Release notes

.Net Grid, v2.3.2 [2010-12-27]


  • Fixed the bug when the NM_GRIDDRAGDROP structure is always NULL in the EndDrop notification.

.Net Grid, v2.3.1 [2010-07-07]

    The next bugs have been fixed:

  • [BUG] The MFC Grid crashes while serialization to CArchive if it has sorted columns.

.Net Grid, v2.3.0 [2010-06-02]


  • [ENH] Support for Visual 2010

    The next bugs have been fixed:

  • [BUG] Crash while adding a new item when the sort is suspended

MFC Grid v.2.2.0 [2010-03-08]


  • [NEW] Free version in binaries