An example is worth a thousand words. Dapfor provides many examples of product use. All examples are accompanies with source codes that can be studied, modified or used as sources for ideas for various applications.

Demo applications show grid capabilities and methods of their most efficient use.

Wpf GridControl

Wpf GridControl is a high-performance component based on Wpf technology. Supported Frameworks: 4.0, 4.5 and higer. Available examples demonstrate grid features for displaying data, grouping, various sorting type. Besides, Dapfor’s developer team provides dedicated benchmark application for detailed evolution of grid performance in end applications. 

.Net Grid

.Net Grid is a high-performance component based on WinForms technology. Supported Frameworks: 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0. 

MFC Grid

This product is an MFC control that is used for displaying data in hierarchical view. The grid contains one header and implements MVVM model separating data from presentation with C++ tool. Within this model the grid is threadsafe and can receive notifications from any thread. The examples demonstrate grid features and possible uses. MFC Grid is available in dynamic or static libraries in VC++ 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0. Binary version of the grid is available free of charge. Source codes and 64-bit version of the grid are distributed on paid basis.